Time - A Poem by Abhay Bhatt - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Time – A Poem by Abhay Bhatt

The bell’s knell resonates through the narrow streets,
Filling the air with a thick, steely hum,
Synchronizes with the pitter-patter of the rain.
The heavy, dry, curls in the air,
Like thick cigar smoke,
Leave wispy, harsh trials of sound,

Footsteps echo through the streets,
A desperate attempt to stomp out it’s worrisome tone.
Time flows, smoothly but surely,
Distinctly burning age into the world.

Execution and delivery crawl closer,
Fueled by the churning sea.
Life and death wait anxiously, ready to reveal themselves to the world at Father Time’s signal.
The clocks count down, slowly but surely,
Devouring them with ease.
Time stops for none.

Names in the News - A Poem by Stan Morrison - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Names in the News – A Poem by Stan Morrison

Diane Sawyer ought to be a lawyer
carefully avoiding reading any news
unflattering to her sponsors’ views
she always looks so harried
wonder if Diane is married

Barbara Walters’ voice falters
she never wears any halters
Barbie can drag out over an hour show
a five minute yarn we don’t care to know
favoring the gossip over the serious
making the trivial sound mysterious

Dan Rather doesn’t seem to matter
60 Minutes doesn’t have much in it
weather reporters gab for a long time
about some trivial change in the clime

This sort of banality is so trashy
Ron Burgundy keeps me sassy

Mistakes Pointed Out - A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Mistakes Pointed Out – A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra

Now or whenever you
Sought to point it out
To me that a mistake
Was to be addressed
In total promptness
Almost without further delay,
I took it to be a pleasant job
To be kept warned before
A major fall was mostly sure
And in avoiding it in time
It was success that
I was only bound to
Embrace fully awestruck.

Skies and Seas - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Skies and Seas – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

That night
Words spilled into
Night’s song
What I recollected
Were haunting birds
A book of poems
Overlooking mists
And I started reading
When darkness said
This is not the time
Let light sail across seas
And a poem will flutter
Orchestrating skies and seas.

Me, Them - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Me, Them – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

This morning as an afterthought
I bit the tears
Out of ancient rocks and hills
To make them mine
And when they left
I heaved a sigh that they
Did not linger
And make me, them
Their woes
Their bleeding
Me them
Their battles
Their ephemeral happiness
Their warriors
Their gladiators
Their brown-faced gnomes
Their scatter of feet
Their protean lust
Their minerals, their granite.
Their sullied mines
Me, them.

Planning My Life - A Poem by Naduni - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Planning My Life – A Poem by Naduni

Sitting on a lonely chair
On a serene afternoon
When the moon is unusually there
Already in the sky
I naturally wondered who am I
What was I doing there?
Looking at an early moon
Offset in a bright sky

I saw myself through others
From their views and criticisms
And yearned to make them see
That it is not as bad as one may see
Then I naturally wondered who I am
Whether I really exist
Why should I plan my future ahead?
When I don’t even really exist

What a foolish thing this life is
We plan a journey we can’t foresee
We take for granted so many things
And wonder where we went wrong
When we fail to make that journey

I withdrew from reading and had a short rest
After all, book learning can’t do much
As you can’t commit suicide
When you know life much
I went back to reading
For you see
I cannot face life and leave my false dream

Artificial - A Poem by Gareth Culshaw - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Artificial – A Poem by Gareth Culshaw

In this light the shadows
walk away from me

then turn back,
after I’ve gone.

I don’t look my years
out here in the dark.

The trees lie on the floor
before jumping up

as if they don’t want me
to know they sleep
lying down.

The colour has been sucked
away by the sun

leaving cloaks to wear
and hoods to pull up.

In this light the shadows
walk away from me.

I take a glowing nozzle
in my hand, entering each patch
to see what I’ve known
is now gone.

Don't Dream - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Don't Dream – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

In midnight’s volatile hush
Dreams take over
Amidst the noise of a dog barking
One dream holds centre stage
Me in school
And the school slowly
Transforming into a many-domed
House, with schoolmates playing.
I mull over the dream
And remember the teacher who
Admonished, don’t dream.

Crossing Over - A Poem by G. S. Katz - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Crossing Over – A Poem by G. S. Katz

Juggling thoughts
Staying relevant
Replacing desire
Can you do that?

Crossing over is not so bad
The cashier was flirting with me at the chicken joint
Or did I perceive friendliness for flirting
When you deal with chicken all day, I might look pretty good.

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