A Walk through Time | Rajnish Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

A Walk through Time | Rajnish Mishra

A walk in this house newly rented,
Steps sure, eyes closed.
A walk in that house in my past
Old rooms, old stairs; corridors.
Old house that was home.
Old house, that is home.
This walk assured and this closure
Efface, betray that walk,
Old house, its stairs and rooms.
Betray, in a way, my city, my home, my heart.
I turn to my left or right,
Go forth or back, from mazes emerge,
As once I emerged,
From lanes-labyrinths, of my city, my home.
Live I now split in two:
In a now and a then.
Constancy and change, take turns,
They play with me, on me.
Pangs surely I feel for what I forgot, erased:
My places old, home and lanes.
Can’t bring them to life, eyes closed.
My city, my home, a memory, a phantom.
My past betrayed by present, mine own,
Or nature of man or time, or change.

More at https://poetrypoeticspleasure.wordpress.com/.

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