Innocence Stolen | Blanca Alicia Garza - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Innocence Stolen | Blanca Alicia Garza

Robotic human beings
Stare at bright screens
Like moths to a flame
Connected to technology
Disconnected from humanity
Wolves in sheepskin
Stalking their prey
As lonely souls
Seeking love.
Face to face conversations
Become cold texts
Love and kisses
Turned into emoticons
Loved ones become strangers
Strangers become family
Newest toys of this era
The computer or television
Like an addiction to a drug
Is that to the video game,
while the cell phone flashes
Innocence stolen by technology.

2 thoughts on “Innocence Stolen | Blanca Alicia Garza”

  1. Innocence Stolen | Blanca Alicia Garza - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry
    Renee Drummond-Brown

    Author Blanca Alicia Garza, wow that last line…”Innocence stolen by technology” tells all tales. Just a wonderful poem and my sister right on time.

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