Shattering Split of a Dumpling's Beauty | Christine Emmert - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Shattering Split of a Dumpling’s Beauty | Christine Emmert

Pale yellow as winter sun I pared it away
under the knife
urging it open to my sight.
Breaking through the round perfect globe of a dumpling.
There was that sigh
that came from this execution.
A sigh that we break perfection
for the sake of our own gluttony.
And then
I lift the fork
to my lips
to taste what I desire.
My assassination of the dumpling.
The gravies on my plate draw back.
The witness to my crime.

4 thoughts on “Shattering Split of a Dumpling’s Beauty | Christine Emmert”

  1. Shattering Split of a Dumpling's Beauty | Christine Emmert - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices
    Jacob Erin-Cilberto

    love the allegory here…”the gravies as witness”
    and my my…i just love chicken and dumplings….
    tasty offering here, Christine…

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