This Rainy Evening | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

This Rainy Evening | Krushna Chandra Mishra

That very day everybody got the smell
that things were going in a curious way
and there was just enough good watch
necessary just to let happiness culminate
from what all were sure was just a fascinating
innocent first sweet scene of a rich drama of
great and magnificent union exuding aroma
across space and time for years to come.

Today not all the acts of that interesting drama
of union in marriage and stewardship of life are
fully played out yet , taking time this silent evening
when it’s still not very dark and raining memories
of things of a whole life time very well spent ,
we look ahead with hope into the future for
all the charming revelations it keeps in store
when we know life’s grand golden rule we get
what we deserve for all our deeds and no more.

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