The Fall of America | Truth Teller - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The Fall of America | Truth Teller

The fall of America
Didn’t happen because
Of outside forces
It happened because we forgot
What democracy means

We stood by and watched
As religious zealots
Worked tirelessly to take away
Our fellow citizen’s rights
Denying them equality

We watched as gun worshipers
Redefined the constitution
And sold us the falsehood
That we should all be
Very afraid and violent

Too many of us believed the false narrative
That government is the problem
Rather than a reflection
Of who we are
An institution that can help people

Too many of us watched and listened to
Propaganda pretending to be news
Telling us to be afraid of each other
Supporting the creeping threat
Of authoritarianism

Too many of us bought the lie
That money is everything
And corporations would
Fill the holes
Making all our problems go away

Too many of us believed patriotism
Was waving the flag
While hating immigrants
And anyone who
Wanted equal rights

Too many of us stopped caring for each other
Labeling people who didn’t
Agree with our aggressive/regressive
Positions the enemy
Spitting on people who believe in love

We destroyed ourselves
By letting the people who
Least care about our country
Run everything
For their own gain

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