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Held in Honour - A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Held in Honour – A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra

As they decided to dismiss
Everything I seemed to hold
That they sensed would be odd
For their strict motivated purposes
They idolized me
At every forum they knew
I am accepted for a value
They are confident of never eroding
At their very ablest of efforts
Elevating me to pedestals
Where gods to be worshiped
Are placed with tight lips
And telling one and all
I am best left
To myself in my true state
Of a philosopher
Free to engage geniuses
And mad lots
In discourses that the high
And the saintly
May find absorbing
To wordless states.

You’re Not One of Them - A Poem by G. Louis Heath - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

You’re Not One of Them – A Poem by G. Louis Heath

I wish I had handled things better. They
wouldn’t have walked all over me. I burn

with regret, recycling the ways I didn’t act
and the ways I should’ve. But this is wrong

thinking, I decide, as my ego sits in the dock
awaiting my ex officio ruling. I rise in my

judicial robes, pajamas and slippers beneath,
and read the verdict: I find you were not weak.

You should get off your own case. Stop beating
up on yourself. Rejoice that you are a poet whose

weapons are words. (I point at felons in orange
jumpsuits outside). You’re not one of them.

In the Sun - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

In the Sun – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

Sounds in the morning
splash of water
honk of vehicles
motor and scooter rides
corpulent father
with corpulent daughter
the milkman arrives
with a thud or bang
grimaces, I search for a pen
my bag, another day
as the newspaper rolls in
outside I clutch
at faded memories
like my denims
fading in sun.

Habits - A Poem by Angela Kote - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Habits – A Poem by Angela Kote

Admitting it would be an injustice, it would be cruel and typical to assume that there is only so much inspiration that you could give me. You see, its like the glass that you drank champagne from, suddenly after the fourth sip the glass looses its luster, it turns lukewarm, and now there is a stain on your shirt from your careless drunk behavior. The same way, you find out who someone is after some time, you find out who your lover is and you realize you can’t keep drinking because you’re going to wind up too drunk to get home. So you move on to the next habit, and you leave the club and light up a cigarette. Sometimes you get too used to them, or the buzz wears off, or worse it makes you sick. Sometimes I hate to write about you so much, I would rather paint a world where you are good and decent, not so cruel and typical. My lungs can’t handle the smoke anymore, so I put out my cigarette and keep the lighter, but I have nothing left to light, so I make my way home, with yet another habit, a little more numb and hoping that tomorrow I will be able to make it to the art store after work to buy some new colors and start a new painting, or at least quit smoking.

More at http://notapoetjustinlove.tumblr.com/.

Fairness - A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Fairness – A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra

It’s a big joke
To say fairness in practice is
And to hope for it in all cases
Is a thing all fair in itself.

Where for the masses
Fairness is nobody can show
In all fairness when people go on working
To arrive with great certainty at the doors
Of justice where fairness lies trampled or crumpled
And people seeing it retrace to despair
Of decades or ages
Over which seeking it
They marched leading movements
From street corners to parliament halls
Heaving law courts and rending skies with slogans
Demanding fair practices of distant days
Of honesty and simple life ways
To be restored in their pure and undiluted forms
To recognize fair from the foul and live in peace.

Snow - A Poem by Pezhman Mosleh - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Snow – A Poem by Pezhman Mosleh

I wish people would be pure like snow
And would be melted with warmness
And would become a moment creator like water
And would go against any block like overflow

Nullity - A Poem by Ian Fletcher - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Nullity – A Poem by Ian Fletcher

Why the extinguishment of consciousness
causes me such distress I do not know
for that nothingness into which we all go
will surely put my preoccupations to flight
nullifying everything in an endless night.

Evidence - A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Evidence – A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra

Wherefrom, you tell me,
Shall I collect evidence
On my complete ruin in your hands
Once you in all cunning
Have erased everything
From coming to be used against you
To put me back in my place
From where in utter grief and loss
I stand displaced and perplexed?

Now thus once again
On your calculated return to me
I have nothing more to ask
Except to once in concrete terms
Explain to me how and in what conditions
You sought to withdraw from my life
To keep your shadow constantly troubling me
To my utter despair and ruin
From the dark abyss of which perhaps
Never in this life
I think I shall recover for sure.

Evidence it is
I am beside you and here
Not demanding anything except
Finding you broken and lost and groping
For something you know
You will never be able to lay
Your crazy hands upon.

Gin Thing - A Poem by G. S. Katz - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Gin Thing – A Poem by G. S. Katz

Last night I had a gin gimlet
Usually prone to bourbon or Irish whiskey
Departed from the norm
Took a lovely journey to clear spirits
Helped my mood
Became floaty and optimistic
instead of the usual dulling down of the senses
A drink before dinner, centers me
Gin races through my system
Everything’s gonna be alright
It’s a gin thing babe

Voodoo Doll - A Poem by Ananya Dhawan and Sanchit Goel - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Voodoo Doll – A Poem by Ananya Dhawan and Sanchit Goel

She’s darkened art,
an almost human (one might say),
a conjurer of charms so terrific,
of love and hate
and magic, prolific.

With pins and needles
Sticking out of her heart
She is hypnotizing humanity
right from the start.
A spiritual figure for luck and charm,
if fitly used, she means no harm.
I marvel at her sinister décor,
a bald head and eyes that lure

Is she the one to avenge wrong doers?
Or is she the one being avenged for?
With soothing colors that killed her soul,
Pulling everything around like a warm hole.
The doll that makes little ones smile,
Is all set to cause fear in their eyes.

If what they say is actually true,
Voodoo is her thing,
The doll is just for fools.
Then maybe we should burn her,
Put her in a ball of fire,
While her colors turn to ash,
We might just see her true desires.

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