Poetry Website

Choke Hold Gag Reflex |  Scott Thomas Outlar - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Choke Hold Gag Reflex | Scott Thomas Outlar

Up on the steep roof
blowing leaves from the gutter
I come to realize
an appreciation
of just how precious
and precarious
every single step in life is
One slip
might mess you up

Walking along beside the street
watching cars pass in the cold of night
I get a craving
for some fresh air
not just stale smoke
tailpipe smog fest
One breath
might seize the lungs

Staring straight at the TV screen
going numb in every neuron
I found a trance
with the program
turn my head off
and get sucked in
to the shallow waves
One hour
might drain all soul

Sitting down for a warm meal
dinner table with the heat on
I know it’s true
that the energy used
to keep me safe from cold
comes at the sad expense
of stealing Earth’s black gold
One drill
might shift the plates

Catching flak in my own mind
for creature comforts of the modern life
It’ll drive you mad trying to save the world
it’s all illusion, Lord, just lay me down

Sleeping soundly between satin sheets
snug and cozy carefree nonchalance
I paid my dues throughout the day
won’t wear a millstone through the night

More at http://17numa.wordpress.com/.

Snowbelt |  Jeanne Fiedler - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Snowbelt | Jeanne Fiedler

The sky sheds its
white fur
a flight of creeping
at one time
separating us from
the world- the whole
prisoners wrapped up
in icy straight jackets
as we look out the
window and sigh

We try to warm
our fragile bodies
but feel helpless
against the earth
and its dangers
closed off and
blacked out
we watch and
hope for a rush
of quiet
amidst the storm

The obscure
piercing wind
sounds angry
out there
turbulent, raging

I close my eyes
to stop the
wings of the wind
and the frozen vapor
feeling overwhelmed
and helpless

More at http://www.jeannefiedlerlovepoems.net.

Words |  Nathy Dulanto Bernuy - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Words | Nathy Dulanto Bernuy

That disappear with the wind
That time erases easily
Hurt more than punches
Resonate in my head this night

What am I just with words?
An empty soul
A breathless heart
A solitary errand in this lonely world
Nothing but the reflection of my thoughts

What am I just with my voice?
when I can’t get to you
when it vanishes in an echo
when I just want to scream my love
When I can’t talk about what I feel

What am I just with my dreams?
A girl with just love
A stone in the road
A hopeless girl that lost all
Looking for faith in this solitary job

Words won’t be enough to express this love
Words won’t be enough to get to you
Words won’t be enough to apologize enough
What am I going to do when I just have words?

More at http://nathynb.tumblr.com/.

I Am Gasoline |  Susan Marie - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

I Am Gasoline | Susan Marie

with visions and goals
dreams and ideals
a sustainable life
something more
than this

before you
your feast
my mouth
your escape
my holy altar
your salvation

so that it
brings me
sweet breath
open your mouth wide,
allow it to flow
into your own
be a
shining white

be all of this and more
for me, you, us

this most divine union
of souls
is meant
to change


let us rejoice
and bring them all
back home
to the land
the silt
the rich green grass
the climbing vines
and meadows
the cool deep streams
and the air we breathe

oh, so pure
the ether

let us bring it all

let us set fire to the sky
awaken oceans
raging, angry
let us call thunder
alerting the Earth
to shiver and quake
like my thighs
like your deep rich eyes
boring down upon me now
like the volcanic rumbling
of every tired human voice

let us torch ourselves
this world must be reborn

i am gasoline
and you are my match

let us awaken the angels
so their choirs are heard
in all worlds

like when we first met
a hazy rendition
of tidal waves
and dolphins dancing


More at http://www.suemarie.info. Poem on audio at https://soundcloud.com/susan-marie/i-am-gasoline.

Sadness PM |  Frank P. Capalare - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Sadness PM | Frank P. Capalare

Time, which might have begun with
a smile and a kiss, with a, “How
was your day?”
Time, which might have been
passed sitting side by side,
talking together, laughing
together, sharing a second
smile and a kiss,
Spent, instead, in silence. No
shared looks, no shared words,
no shared laughter, certainly
no shared second smile and
Time lost. Forgivable, but
Chipping away at possibilities hoped
for and maybe not hoped for,
Marking a growing love and marking
no love at all (perhaps simply
Time fumbled, trampled, mangled,
argued over, cried over, passed
Time followed by sleep and by no
sleep at all (perhaps simply

There's Nothing Sexy about Scotch Tape |  G. S. Katz - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

There's Nothing Sexy about Scotch Tape | G. S. Katz

It provides a function
Been around for ages
Gotten better over time
The matte finish less sticky than
ever before

Despite the chemical smell
it’s a tried and true product
From Scotland I presume
Though that could be a misnomer

Like buying it in bulk
At the big box store
48 rolls
Won’t buy it again for 10 years

Not sexy
No way
Functional to the max
That’s kinda Hot

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