Poetry Website

Believe |  Sydney Lynn - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Believe | Sydney Lynn

When you put that bottle to your lips I am afraid that I will never
make you feel that way.

When you stumble home calling me baby, and telling me that I am
beautiful and perfect, I am afraid that you will never say those words
to me sober.

When you wake up smelling like vodka and cheap beer, I am afraid that
that smell will never fade.

And if one night when it gets to be too much, you tell me that you
love me, I am afraid that I will believe you.

More at http://sydneylynnpoetry.tumblr.com.

Sepalikas |  Naduni - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Sepalikas | Naduni

Suddenly the barren land seeps with water
The marsh blooms into wild flowers
Uninvited rain
Starts to drizzle through the sky
Ripping its dark clouds open
Uninvited Sepalikas
Blossom into the soft twilight,
Quite at the wrong time.
A mild, chaste fragrance
Overwhelms the ashram
Of her heart
It’s the uninvited intruder
That causes unwelcome changes
In the ambiance
That has been numbed into slumber
From being stagnant for almost too long
A new life springs suddenly around her
When her eyes catch the tall silhouette
Crossing the wooden fence
The rain thunders on to the dried up grass
Under the Sepalika tree
Where she stands, and
She opens her arms to welcome him

Faded Reconnaissance |  Cole Severns - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Faded Reconnaissance | Cole Severns

He appeared from the rolling hills of the countryside. Among the
maples, cedars, cottonwoods. The deep thuds of pumping oil wells. His
days of exploration, scaling barbed-wire fences, throwing two-seamers.
Always afraid to miss out. Fascinated. Infatuated. Fully immersed.
Never sheltered, the son of a worldly traveler, the son of a
blue-collar splicer. Learned, open-minded, experimenting with
experience. Met it all head-on. Always there. Saturday nights near the
bonfire. Cheap beer on ice. Good friends. His inconspicuous departure.
Forgotten reasoning. To find something, maybe? What did he seek? Was
he secure? Was he satisfied? Was he bored? His motives unknown. He
still pops up occasionally. Waves hello, then he’s gone. Almost a
stranger now. Still has that look. Curious. Stoic. I’ll never forget
his face.

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