Poetry Website

The Greatest Poet Who Has Ever Lived |  Daniel Klawitter - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

The Greatest Poet Who Has Ever Lived | Daniel Klawitter

I’m the greatest poet who has ever lived-
Or at least, the greatest who’s just like me!
My awesome rhymes will blow your mind
Like a cinnamon-flavored breeze.

Yes my poems are so delicious
You eat them up like toast.
I’m sure you like other poets,
But like my poems the most.

My verses are entertaining-
And I’m sure that you’ll agree-
My poems need no explaining,
You understand them—perfectly.

Other poets are confusing-
And they write to be obscure.
But me, I’m always amusing
I’m not the sickness, I’m the cure.

Under-Statements |  JD DeHart - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Under-Statements | JD DeHart

There is a conversation here
I am not aware of, a group of words clustering,
looking for a new home

There is a meaning hidden, like a child
playing a game, tucked inside a line,
a Derrida-like violence to language

What I have said is what I have said
but then that word passes through the mind
and like a prism, bends the light

And what we are left with
is the best we can do to love each other
with syllables and syntax.

Reopening |  JD DeHart - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Reopening | JD DeHart

There is no need, they say
to reopen the wounds, and I would
not want that to be my vocation

I would rather be the staple
that closes up the gash, or the thread
running through the seam

I would rather be the bandage
covering the soreness, or the light
and arid balm spread across skin

But sadly sometimes I am the one
who reopens, prods, and remembers.

More at http://spinrockreader.blogspot.com.

Perfection |  Richard Kalfus - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

Perfection | Richard Kalfus

Was it a blessing or a curse to have parents
whose faith left no doubt that God was always with them?
Looking over their shoulder like a trusted friend
guiding them as they raised their son

But I was the gay son not perfect in their world
I was lost to them
in trying to live within their spiritual values.

Did I let them down?
Taking drugs to feel less imperfect?
Having unprotected sex at 14 to feel loved
By those who also lived imperfect lives?
Who hated a pompous God
unwilling to make room for them.

What pathetic irony: I needed my parents love
their willingness not to be blind-sided
by a faith that turned their hearts cold
blinding them from looking me in the eyes.

A Study of the Tantrum |  JD DeHart - A Poetry Website Featuring Poems by Contemporary Poets

A Study of the Tantrum | JD DeHart

of course, now we record
them using the variegated
lenses we carry on our person

but I remember a time
when a being could thrash
and shout and the only
evidence was the casual
eyewitness or security cam

I even recall a time when,
to my ultimate Chagrin, I myself
engaged in a small tantrum
and thankfully there was no one
to hold it up like hieroglyphs
on our digital cave wall

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