The Phantom - A Poem by Ian Fletcher - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The Phantom – A Poem by Ian Fletcher

My past is a gray phantom
that haunts me wherever I go
hoarding all of my memories
and the people I used to know
a specter who countenances
no resurrections at my bidding
from his dark abysmal vaults.

He feeds on my experiences
thus gaining strength as I age
weighing on the here and now
annihilating what is to come
the pull of his gravity drawing me
backward into a land of shadows.

One day soon he will envelop
me completely in his darkness
and we shall be extinguished
at the very moment of union
into everlasting nothingness.

Pharaoh - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Pharaoh – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

Saw you somewhere in the abyss
centuries, age, did not matter, the sphinx somehow
bore the stone, heavy weight of launderous, byzantine stone,
rubric of history
saw you somewhere there
you, gentle as a Pharaoh.

The opposite of Everything Is True - A Poem by Stan Morrison - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The opposite of Everything Is True – A Poem by Stan Morrison

The opposite of everything is true
just look around for telltale clues
corporations don’t pay their share
hard work and talent get me nowhere
it’s just the same in every town
poverty and hatred still abound
we hallucinate on the American dream
while a small number get all the cream
unions are evil but not the banks
it’s time to vote and I say no thanks
we’re all on treadmills getting nowhere fast
how long do you think slavery’s gonna last
the revolution will not be televised

Cold Water Raining between Them - A Poem by Donal Mahoney - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Cold Water Raining between Them – A Poem by Donal Mahoney

Annie has a nice washing machine now
but she remembers the one her
mother had with the wringer,
the old-fashioned kind.

Her mother took in washing and when
the washing machine would break
Annie would become half the wringer.
Mother would hold the waist of wet pants

and Annie would grip the cuffs and
they’d twist in opposite directions,
the cold water raining between them.
Each pair of farmer’s pants

put food on the table. With six kids
food was important. To this day Annie
smiles when she remembers her
Mother never had to use a pants

stretcher in winter to make
her ironing a little bit easier.
She’d hang the pants out in the yard
and they’d freeze straight on the line.

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We Talked Already - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

We Talked Already – A Poem by Paul Tristram

Why are you out there again?
No, stop waving and beckoning me
I’m not coming down there.
You need to stop this hanging around
it’s getting creepy.
You made me change my phone number,
I did warn you.
Look, we’re not going to be friends,
I tried that,
friends don’t pester each other.
I swear, if I hear you say
“Just for five minutes”
one more time I’m going to go spare.
It’s not because I’ve found someone else,
I’m here on my own, for Christ Sake!
But it’s none of your business anyway.
I can’t help you
and I’m not like the other girls I know.
I don’t find this fun to watch.
I suppose I’m just saying goodbye,
one more time, to yesterday’s echo.

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Love That Is - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Love That Is – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

You can’t replace sun with rain
as you can’t
living with dead
you can replace night’s
occult dreams
you can replace
the aromatic love of uselessness
you can replace dark with fair
but you can’t replace love
that was, is.

Metamorphosis - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Metamorphosis – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

Your wayward paths
are leftovers of those
trickling down rains,
sent umbrella hunting
with father insisting
take two, there will be more
but water scarcity continued, in a town
which had clouds hovering every moment, threatening to burst skies
with a downpour scattering hills, trees and flowers, which had hardly bloomed. Azure skies of my dreams, how you could change colours with guile,
like the wily chameleon:
blue, black, grey, red
and my metamorphosis reaching the pinnacle of heights.

Dry Spell - A Poem by J.K. Durick - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Dry Spell – A Poem by J.K. Durick

I miss the words
doing their job
filling pages

Designs falling
into place
syllable to stanza

The silence
this silence
pushed back

Away for
another moment
or two

That’s what
I miss most

The words
folding me
into themselves

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