Crossing Over - A Poem by G. S. Katz - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Crossing Over – A Poem by G. S. Katz

Juggling thoughts
Staying relevant
Replacing desire
Can you do that?

Crossing over is not so bad
The cashier was flirting with me at the chicken joint
Or did I perceive friendliness for flirting
When you deal with chicken all day, I might look pretty good.

Opaque History - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Opaque History – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

Roads of dreams
you walk in sleep
night’s destiny
you overturn
at midnight
when animals leapfrog
on your bare body.
You carry multitudes and slowly
your body swells, like a foaming sea
When you get some respite
what do you do?
Do you still carry oceans within?
or are you the embattled front stage
for wars, adventurism and roadside mishaps?
Do you remember all faces that you see
Mangled bodies in gutters
As you pick them up one by one
in your vast opaque history?

Saying - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Saying – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

The ineffable walks on streets
The clichéd on pavements
Words do a roller coaster
If only time could assemble
All we think in a crystal
We would have no need
For museums or Madam Tussaud’s

Sound Advice - A Poem by Stan Morrison - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Sound Advice – A Poem by Stan Morrison

I never fell for that Tooth Fairy nonsense
Anyone could use some pocket change
Ditto for fat Santa and the Easter Bunny
We all want the toys and chocolate eggs
Don’t ever say no until you’ve reflected
There’s an advantage for you, so take it
Simulate a version of personal integrity
A big smile to coast past the nonsense
Never show them any lingering doubts
Be patient, goodies will come your way
The world can definitely be your oyster
All you need is the right sort of shucker.

Work Place - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Work Place – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

clouds in mask
and the line strays
distant horizons etched
colour schemes vary
houses rest on slopes
city lights are far
this, only perception
this village resting on shoulders
across my work place.

Lost - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Lost – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

In this amazing sea
No, I am not talking
About loneliness
Lost in the horizon
The crow’s gaze
In Oblivion not so,
See the end of a tunnel
Not dark
Not light, but the end
All is not lost, speaking
About lostness I think
About lost shores, in

Writer's Block (Or: My Muse Has a New Lover Now) - A Poem by Daniel Klawitter - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Writer's Block (Or: My Muse Has a New Lover Now) – A Poem by Daniel Klawitter

I don’t know what I did (or didn’t do)
To fall out of her favor. And I know
I’m not the only one, to be mystified
By her behavior. Our time together
Was pleasant—unmarred by argument.
But she packed her bags completely
Leaving discreetly in the night—the scent
Of her perfume a bare hint in the empty air.
Hard to hear at present—but once she murmured
Sweet somethings in my ear all evening.
Now, behold the horror that I’ve become:
The pages so blank—the fingers so numb.

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