Start Stop - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Start Stop – A Poem by JD DeHart

Silent men around me
seem to know
there is a time for rutting
and feeding on corn
a time to sit still in cold

start the cleaning
of the firearm and stop

start the squeezing of
target practice trigger
stop again

a preconfigured notion
of manhood starts
and I stop it at its
bubbling source
thereby redefining.

Creative Discipline - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Creative Discipline – A Poem by JD DeHart

Prism of behavior
action always seeking
satisfaction of some hidden
unexpressed need

Why not ask Why not
Respond in unexpected
ways, find consequences
that work

Instead of shutting ourselves
up in a locked prison
of rigid expectations.

Epitaph - A Poem by Ian Fletcher - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Epitaph – A Poem by Ian Fletcher

Though every death throughout history
is the cause of my morbid celebration
confirming the possession of this thing
called life as I stand upon the mountain
of the deceased thankful that I survive
in the daylight while they are doomed
to slumber in their everlasting night
and though blood runs through the veins
of the hand that inscribes these verses
I am yet aware my words will outlast me
promising neither reprieve nor immortality
so you, dear reader, may have the last laugh
when these lines have become my epitaph.

Last - A Poem by J. Ash Gamble - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Last – A Poem by J. Ash Gamble

This is the last poem
I will ever write.

Too tired of the verses.

Maybe I said something
worthy over the last two
years, or not.

Maybe someone else will
sling some ink in my place
as I go to rest.

At a Graduation Ceremony - A Poem by Ian Fletcher - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

At a Graduation Ceremony – A Poem by Ian Fletcher

They inhabit a different reality
safe in the cocoon of their youthful world
like expectant passengers on a quay
about to embark on an endless cruise
their adult life a great ship that will sail
across oceans of possibility.
Alas, my ship has passed over those seas
and nears its final destination
that dark port at the end of the voyage
a place of twilight then eternal night.
Though these callow souls seem quite unaware
of the current’s pull that carries all there
I’ll not waste my breath to enlighten them
for of my thoughts they neither know nor care.

This Autumn - A Poem by Joan McNerney - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

This Autumn – A Poem by Joan McNerney

A flying carpet of
sugar maple leaves
unfurls along my road.

Just enough light to glimpse
silhouettes of yellow trees
against the dove grey sky.

Tenacious… one leaf
clings to the bough
after today’s wind storm.

Amazing how many stars
fit inside my windowpane.

Photos at the Graveyard - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Photos at the Graveyard – A Poem by JD DeHart

We visited the graveyard often
Even though we knew no one
In the graves themselves
It was at the crest of a hill
As if to place the dead skyward
With my Polaroid camera, I would
Snap photos of the markers, hoping
And simultaneously not hoping
That in one of them there would be
The wisp or specter of a ghost
When the products popped out
There was always that moment
Of ethereal mystery as the image
Faded into firm being.

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