A Classic Love & the Gale-Driven Windmills of the Heart - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

A Classic Love & the Gale-Driven Windmills of the Heart – A Poem by Paul Tristram

She’s on fire, again!
Amber lighting up her eyes
like hungry wolves out hunting.
Smiling has never been so easy,
natural or dizzying.
There’s a ‘Whoosh’
to every train of thought.
Hiccups and Stuttering
to her normally delicate speech.
An intoxicating invasion
is happening somewhere deep inside…
and it’s shudderingly conquering.
The smell of tulips
is absolutely everywhere,
it must be her dead Grandmother
passing on happy blessings.
She’s kissing teacups bold
without even meaning to
and no longer
counting single magpies only.
Dresses instead of trousers,
brave enough for hats,
emerald crushed velvet
and black-less colours.
Life’s safety bar
is still slightly in reach…
but no longer white-knuckled
and held by panicked breathing.

More at http://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/.

Gear Up - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Gear Up – A Poem by JD DeHart

The way he says
get ready, gear up
makes me imagine
an internal clock

cog kicking against cog,
a furry creature
turning a wheel
at the center of him

smell of rubber
and onions

fueled by the gas
station cappuccino
and constant soda
streaming into him.

Cancer - A Poem by J.K. Durick - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Cancer – A Poem by J.K. Durick

The invisibility of it is enough
The way it walks around with us,
Mingles, awaits us, warns us,
Statistically part of so many.

We know causes, list them,
Warn ourselves against them,
Even joke about them at times.
The inevitability seems ironic,
So many of our favorite things
Have come back to haunt us.

We raise the money each year,
Through the mail, over the phone.
We walk, we bike, we bake, and
Plan again for the next two years
And beyond, as far as the best
Of us can foresee or imagine.

It’s like looking at a timeline for
The Crusades, the Hundred Years
War, the Thirty Years War, WWI
WWII, on and on, they keep up,
Keep coming, the endless causes,
Treatments and temporary solutions.

Deflation - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Deflation – A Poem by JD DeHart

I began by floating
above the dull earth, but
soon found that my ascent
was moving in the opposite
direction. A few words later,
an insult here or there,
placed like a hidden blade,
and I was finding my way
quickly to the terrestrial
realm from which I rose.
The neighbors were the same,
and their cooking smelled
somehow worse.
Their children still crowded
the streets like homeless
Now I am merely a heap,
a might-have-been soon
to become a must-have-been
and then a who-was-that.

In Another World - A Poem by Marie MacSweeney - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

In Another World – A Poem by Marie MacSweeney

Landscape of frenetic days
linked to the demands of now,
and inside it she and me,
one a prowling wolf,
the other an astronomer probing space.

We cling to the present
with our sharp telescope
and our precision claws

until a branch snaps beside us
and she lunges from her lair,
spine flexed, teeth bare,
constellations decoding the moment
with their pack light.

Minding - A Poem by M Spear - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Minding – A Poem by M Spear

I’m going to imagine
a better life for us
painting its bright bits
with neuron connections
finding the reality in
gray pallet, washed over
tones of the real world.

As If Type 1 Wasn't Enough - A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

As If Type 1 Wasn't Enough – A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger

borderline Randle
drew me to the online
diabetes groups

those needle gurus
were veterans,
some since childhood

they were spouting
and number slash numbers
glucose levels
lantus loading
– before or after sex? –
subtracting fiber
from carb
and pumps and
warranty expectancy

there was moaning and
wailing about something
or something else
that no one had a
universal answer for
or ever would

and no one dared speak
of recipes or food per se,
food oddly verboten

when I mentioned
I was enjoying
some success
with inhaled insulin
some helpful Type 2
said using that stuff
would give me

More at http://wlc-wlcblog.blogspot.com/.

The Crush - A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The Crush – A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger

a girl in my graduating class
had a crush on
our married biology teacher
she was the overachiever
kind, the over-confident
kind, the kind
that runs for class president
and more than often wins
and this crush was
the kind that strangles
virgins in their sleep
the kind that possesses
overachieving virgins
until they commit
to mortifying acts

her need to expose
the crush was such
that she drew his face
and left the signed sketch
in her desk
for him to find,
to find and fall

I don’t know why
she told me, we
weren’t friends,
or why she thought
he would
rummage through
her desk, hers and
hers alone

but I have decided
that a janitor found it
during summer break
and didn’t give it
a second look

More at http://wlc-wlcblog.blogspot.com/.

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