Goodbye – A Poem by Nancy May
winter sunset
waiting for your train
a goodbye kiss
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winter sunset
waiting for your train
a goodbye kiss
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Moon in skies
crescent one eyed
lumbering in clear skies
clouds will refresh
I am two
persons in one
sometimes, or so I think,
until I meet someone
who truly has two sides
I am, by contrast,
a one-sided coin,
an easy to read book
sometimes it seems
no one will pick up
to browse.
It was slight
like a feather tip
cutting into
barely visible
like the thirteenth spoke
of a back wheel.
Like a wind chime
the shallow currents
of the approaching gale
we all
yet turn our
backs upon.
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Happy people make me sick to my stomach
Without rage and disgust what do you really have,
I’ve probably got enough money to ride this life out
The struggle though was much more gratifying.
From watching too much Nat Geo.
That’s the National Geographic channel.
Rhinos, giraffes, warthogs and springboks
have their ecological niches. I just have
to keep them there.
As much as I love the wilds of Africa and
everywhere, I must realize that rhinos,
giraffes, warthogs, and springboks have
yet to read a poem.
Like the tapestry tissue
of a spider’s web,
slung low on gorse
is that path long passed
which holds,
in its cold stone,
regret alone.
The lifeguard perches like a fish hawk,
eyes alert to crawl or sidekick faltering,
his trim, muscular body empowered.
Behind those sharp eyes a sharp scene
he wishes he had dreamed,
of a beach last summer,
of a toddler screaming,
while he was dreaming.
Who squeezes all the adrenaline
out of your pituitary gland.
I have no mercy at the open mic,
rolling you into the aisle,
pummeling you with dark humor,
wreathed in ebony crepe.
I leave you DOA,
dead on the aisle.
I still find pieces
you left behind, small
memories captured in
still life photographs,
a strand there, a filament
here, evidence that you
filled this space, even
though you have moved
on to other plains.