In Another World - A Poem by Marie MacSweeney - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

In Another World – A Poem by Marie MacSweeney

Landscape of frenetic days
linked to the demands of now,
and inside it she and me,
one a prowling wolf,
the other an astronomer probing space.

We cling to the present
with our sharp telescope
and our precision claws

until a branch snaps beside us
and she lunges from her lair,
spine flexed, teeth bare,
constellations decoding the moment
with their pack light.

Minding - A Poem by M Spear - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Minding – A Poem by M Spear

I’m going to imagine
a better life for us
painting its bright bits
with neuron connections
finding the reality in
gray pallet, washed over
tones of the real world.

As If Type 1 Wasn't Enough - A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

As If Type 1 Wasn't Enough – A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger

borderline Randle
drew me to the online
diabetes groups

those needle gurus
were veterans,
some since childhood

they were spouting
and number slash numbers
glucose levels
lantus loading
– before or after sex? –
subtracting fiber
from carb
and pumps and
warranty expectancy

there was moaning and
wailing about something
or something else
that no one had a
universal answer for
or ever would

and no one dared speak
of recipes or food per se,
food oddly verboten

when I mentioned
I was enjoying
some success
with inhaled insulin
some helpful Type 2
said using that stuff
would give me

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The Crush - A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

The Crush – A Poem by Wanda Morrow Clevenger

a girl in my graduating class
had a crush on
our married biology teacher
she was the overachiever
kind, the over-confident
kind, the kind
that runs for class president
and more than often wins
and this crush was
the kind that strangles
virgins in their sleep
the kind that possesses
overachieving virgins
until they commit
to mortifying acts

her need to expose
the crush was such
that she drew his face
and left the signed sketch
in her desk
for him to find,
to find and fall

I don’t know why
she told me, we
weren’t friends,
or why she thought
he would
rummage through
her desk, hers and
hers alone

but I have decided
that a janitor found it
during summer break
and didn’t give it
a second look

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Migraine - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Migraine – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

Darkness is a splitting headache
wobbling around, groping
for senses in oblivion
pitch dark in winter’s month
heavily burdened wind
is on a run, migrating birds
cheeping. Heartache is on.
The migraine continues.

Lost Word - A Poem by JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Lost Word – A Poem by JD DeHart

I lost a word
again today, mid-sentence
My meaning hung in still
air between reason
and just plain ignorance
My tongue searched
the roof of my mouth but
no noun could be found
the back of my molar
but no verb was hiding
My eyes flitted but no
adjectives returned my gaze
So I simply changed
the subject like veering
into another verbal lane.

Agnostic's Prayer - A Poem by Stan Morrison - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Agnostic's Prayer – A Poem by Stan Morrison

We gather together to ask the lord’s blessing
stop those who are ordained from undressing
before women and children without confessing
no savior’s ever gonna butt in
angels are drinkin’ tonic and gin
Sister Theresa’s gonna elope
Father O’Connor’s word of honor
a chance to fornicate they hope
before bed check, make our break
ending celibacy’s what’s at stake
religions trump common sense
and underwrite rabid causes
name the enemy, pass judgment
mete out punishments define honor
build chasms between dogma and understanding
operate with slogans and retaliation
closing many doors and many coffins

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