amnesia poems

Post-Death Recall | Sunil Sharma - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Post-Death Recall | Sunil Sharma

The dead get recalled
through the digital photographs
for few hours only.

Nothing else—a mere photograph
or an occasional shared picture on the FB
as an ad-hoc tribute by a grieving family.

And that is all
in an Instagram-crazy age.

Earlier, some garlanded pictures adorned the bare walls
they were extolled in verse, the dear departed.

Some souls, ancient world, travelled down to the underworld
And exploits documented by their poets.

Later on Virgil
Their words echoing through the centuries.

You are truly dead in few minutes
and obliterated forever
from minds and hearts
in a market economy
selling memorabilia
among other items
to preserve every moment.

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Amnesia | Mark Andrew Heathcote - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Amnesia | Mark Andrew Heathcote

I’m searching for the source of this molten moonlight
And my memory is leaking like a bucket in the slaughterhouse
Like a blue and white tin-jug of unpasteurised milk.

Is that reflection, reflecting-back at me?
Is it really, really, really me.

My brain is somehow now a greyish crater.
All the edges blur, falling in
… Here is my molten moonlight come flooding back to me
So bright, I can longer see.

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