contemporary poetry

Rustic - A Poem by Ananya S. Guha - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Rustic – A Poem by Ananya S. Guha

This springtime reminds
of autumn’s wind
and decadent roads
will smell the tar once again
as roads need to be repaired
in this season only
with the brush of the rains
lacing them with wetness, muddy. I stand or walk
precariously as the roads
are prepared once again for torrid rains, the monsoon’s blues, and the fang-bearing winds.
In this hill town I breathe freely. Rustic.

After Niagara - A Poem by Marie MacSweeney - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

After Niagara – A Poem by Marie MacSweeney

After Niagara
there was the dispersal,
the slower spread,
the gentling over stones,
the river flushing
to the size
of a street,
a house,
a room,
to cotton tumbling
in clear water,
to a kettle singing,
to the turbulence
of tears.

Echoes from the Past - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Echoes from the Past – A Poem by Paul Tristram

Do not let them reclaim you backwards
with their clever tricks and morbid traps,
For it is not really relevant anymore,
merely candy floss ghosts of yesteryear.
Tuck the nice memories safely up in bed,
shoo the nasty, negative ones away,
wash your hands of past unpleasantness.
Open up the attic window of your mind
and let a through-breeze spring-clean
your dusty first edition leather-bound soul.
Look back only at moments of affection,
prize-winning smiles and friendly hearts,
The times you lived so full that you
almost burst open carving your initials
into the eternal bark of youth’s wonderment.
Be kind and gentle with your memories,
select and file the brilliant ones up front.
Let the other kind drift away from you
upon the stream of experiences no longer
needed and lessons well and truly learnt.

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She Likes Swans - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

She Likes Swans – A Poem by Paul Tristram

She likes swans
and ballerina feet shuffling.
The bend of a Welsh harp
(The actual musical ability is irrelevant!)
The circumference of a peach
not an apple nor an orange.
The sound the word ‘Pastel’ makes
whilst giggling through
gulps of fizzy lemonade.
Old heavy brass door knockers
(Yes, that’s the very ones!)
Clouds do nowt for her but frown.
Frogs are far better than Prince’s.
A 2pm afternoon alone,
with winter sunshine
sweeping underhandedly
through the kitchen window,
Is the perfect destination
for that new colour
she’s been secretly creating… sssh!

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Lovely Evenings - A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Lovely Evenings – A Poem by Krushna Chandra Mishra

Loneliness in evenings, after long fruitless waiting
For cherished visitors, bites and beats and breaks
The spirit to have prepared in great ways to greet
People whose laughter fills your room, emptying it
Of all dullness that keeps gathering in busy times
When out of work, as much as you may want to move
More and more, you find heaps of work raising their heads
Like mountains insurmountable in the regular fashion
To which you are so naturally tied without ever realising
You could definitely have seen them coming had you, but
For your business, just given them a short notice for your
Eager and desperate waiting to spend time in their
Company in all its charm and splendour and magnificent aura.

Knuckle down Knucklehead - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Knuckle down Knucklehead – A Poem by Paul Tristram

It’s all seasonal,
now is the time for hibernation.
It may feel stagnant?
but it’s not,
there are important things
going on behind the scenes.
Your subconscious is contemplating spring…
recharge, learn something new that’s helpful.
Take long, hot baths
and float in and out of yourself.
Ready the horses,
oil the cogs and wheels.
One of these days soon
will be a doorway
back into the mad, fray of life.
To mind-bind with positive thought
is to armour the soul
ready for fantastic action.
Here is preparation…
spontaneity bounces
much better from a well-heeled boot.
No time is wasted in readying…
you’re busy gathering inner kindling
ready for that massive bonfire
that’ll soon be raging inside your heart.

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