enlightenment poems

Enlightened | Kara D. Spain - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

Enlightened | Kara D. Spain

They tried to pull her back,
but the day had come
when she realized there was no going back,
Enlightened means no return
to the way things were –
they could never understand that
So, they grow more frail by the day,
limited in their vision, as ignorance takes root

More at https://wovenstanzas.blogspot.com/ and https://lyrical-discovery.blogspot.com/.

Acquiescence | Kenneth Vincent Walker - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

Acquiescence | Kenneth Vincent Walker

So I sit here amongst
Rabbits and squirrels,
While birds charmingly
Chirp, as my pain dulls.

For the wildlife are mainly
Content in just being free,
But I’ve Acquiesced to a
System that’s broken me.

Nature has a natural way
Of soothing the savage
Beast, and also the ability
Of granting my release.

It took me too many frozen
Years to finally understand
That there’s more to life
Than money, and more to

This world than any mere
Mortal can comprehend.

Outcast | JD DeHart - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

Outcast | JD DeHart

I remember in my
ignorant, growing youth
the temptation to be
rude to the outcast.
To align myself with a
seemingly popular set.
At first, I have in.
But there was a time
I finally decided a voice
of grace and good will
far outweighed the need
to fit in with all the nasty
in the world.

More at https://jddehartfeaturepoems.blogspot.com.

Burn Like a Fish | G. Louis Heath - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

Burn Like a Fish | G. Louis Heath

Burn like a fish in the deepest
trench. The bright light of one

is ineluctable. Fiat lux! Lambent
shine is a light borne on each.

Wait not the beacon on high, for
no mountain of salvation looms.

No searing rays lift you to heal
your blindness. You can march in

parades and wave bright cloth, to
no avail. These are your eyes, not

theirs, yours for to see. Burn now
and see from the darkest depths.

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