human connection poems

Losing Evenings | Jenny Middleton - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Losing Evenings | Jenny Middleton

Evenings lose themselves between us,
writing the river to a sheen
of city lights blurring slow,
with watery mutterings over
our conversation
and the drone of traffic
to the bridge
that trails
its path to the trees
and their strew of branches
grown to grief and winter,
as we walk
untying our words
from the shadows.

Stand Up | Justateddyberry - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Stand Up | Justateddyberry

I’ll let you push me aside
When you have the strength again
But for now
Just stay
Don’t go too far
From my sight
I’m still looking at you
With my heart
I’m waiting for you
To stand up
On your two feet
Scold me all you want
Or do whatever you want
I won’t even leave
All I ask
Is that you
Don’t just lie there

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Exhaustion-2020 | Stephanie Stone - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Exhaustion-2020 | Stephanie Stone

Mother Earth became weary
From pollution and noise
She sent forth a virus
To vacate her lands

The virus grew
Causing people to fear
Mother Earth rested
As the people dropped tears

From the grounds sprang spring
Signs of new life
While living stayed
Mostly cooped inside

As Mother Earth regenerated
People realized their gratitude
Zoom became of high demand
In place of a hug

No one shall know
What happens in the future
But Mother Earth
Got her well deserved rest

And, people?
They got to understand
That they need people

And, the Earth

West Lane |  Stan Morrison - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

West Lane | Stan Morrison

someone left a shoe in the middle of the road
a single black shoe on the blacktop in the rain
a trailer park, med office, gas station, veterinary clinic
provide the boundaries of this wet intersection
a specific shoe, color, left or right, size, brand
an amorphous detail of who, when why, how

we see each other in superficial terms
often devoid of any human details
the rain washes away the clues
the light turns green
then we drive away

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