nature poems

Remembering Childhood | Lyn Han - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Remembering Childhood | Lyn Han

I’m not quite nineteen and legally drinking
or paying for my own phone bill and driving
but I’ve realized
that I’ve oxidized
You wanted to sit around a board game
and we were playing but I’ve gotten lame
I don’t have time for play
I’ve got essays and papers to write, okay
And now it’s past midnight
and I’m tapping away ignoring the beautiful moonlight
I’m not a kid anymore
I don’t wish on shooting stars any more
But you’re still a kid and you’ve time for fun
I used to be young, but look what age has done
I wished for family time and ‘I love you’
I wish for numbers and dead trees now I’m the problem too
It’ll be alright though you’ve got the job now
It’s a hard job teaching adults the meaning of ‘wow’
You’ll be fine though it’ll work out
You’ll rust too one day but we all do don’t pout

Ocean | Peyten Conn - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Ocean | Peyten Conn

My thoughts are like the ocean, they push and pull me in deeper into a dark mass of nothing but openness and, out of nowhere, it just comes crashing down like a huge wave.
Engulfed in your crystal blue waves, entangled in your seaweed, I inhale your sand and lavish in your sun
I look up at the sun, the warmth fills my lungs and at last I can feel what’s been burning inside me.
Sitting in the dark, feeling the waves crash against my feet, slowly they take me under till I no longer feel the need to breath.
Running, feeling your sand under my feet makes me feel like I no longer need to look back and see the footprints I’ve left behind.
I’m scared to drown but I’ve always seemed to stay afloat, even when the waves came crashing down
The sounds of the swooshing waves drift me off to a place of peace, a place of silence, a place where it seemed as if couldn’t be touched.
Looking out at a sea that seems to never end, white clouds as far as I can see.
I look up and see all the stars, the sound of the waves distracts me from the silence.

April Blue | Joan McNerney - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

April Blue | Joan McNerney

This is when we search for
color to transform cold grey.
Rainfall begins its magic
brightening our sky blue.

We scan stacks of luminous clouds
as trees pop out green buds and
forsythia bursts sparkling yellow stalks.
Just today a breath of warmth
brought alive pink crepe myrtle branches.

Aromatic lilac bushes gather in
soft bunches while birds and bugs
encircle them. We are listening now
to the first chorus of spring time.

Starfish | Russ Cope - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Starfish | Russ Cope

My reaching arm
is from the sea
I never stepped in
until many years
I will grow back
or sit on this stone
waiting for my legs
to work again
or for the first time.

When Shall We Stand? | Ogunsanya Enitan Olalekan - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

When Shall We Stand? | Ogunsanya Enitan Olalekan

Take a look at our crawling minds
as they walk on their fractured knees
hands knitted to the earth podium
all on the journey to move on.
Tell it to Papa
to pass the message across
with his dusty rusty gong
round the nooks and crannies of men’s hearts
the message to stand up to the challenge.
Sound it into the eardrum of mama
to inform her mates-market women
to tie their wrappers round their waists
with loins to fit
for the fire is about to be kindled.

Coming to Earth | Zarrineh - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Coming to Earth | Zarrineh

Coming to Earth was a privilege for selected few, even up in Heavens, no one knew,
When it is your time to join the flight crew, not even a single clue,
A particle in a pile of clay, I wondered when it would be my day,
Rumi’s word on my tiny mind, “Love is a phenomenon of no other kind”,
I hear the flutter of wings; angels selecting different things,
Afterwards, it is quite blurry; there is a commotion and a flurry,
I am in a sack of water; from outside I hear laughter,
I see this young man caressing a woman’s cheek; his voice trembling and thick,
Somehow, I feel his touch, between us there is connection as such,
They dance to a series of songs, breathing happiness to their lungs,
My world is dark, limited and stark,
I am fed with a tube attached to my belly, unable to bounce freely,
No difference between my day and night, I am missing The Light,
All of sudden, I sense a stir, everything is fast and blur,
She cries of pain, his hand clenched to hers like a chain,,
I am going down; I am going to drown,
There is no hope in this darkness, oh what a mess!
Wait a minute; in unison they say, I love you, welcome to our crew,
I open my eyes; I see lots of light, things I don’t recognize,
But, I smell love; it was worth it, the push and the shove,
The road to love is pretty intricate; believing in love is significant,
I grab his finger really tight, sucking on her breast with all my might.

When...How...Why...? | Akinbode Israel - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

When…How…Why…? | Akinbode Israel

The veins of our children,
Lacking blood…dried pipes.
Swimming in dehydrated waters,
Drowning in sweats of shame.
The eyes of our children,
Lids are glued…scary sights seen,
Little eyes have seen rotten bodies,
Why won’t they choose to die young.
The robes of our children,
A carpet for hungry termites,
A hide and seek for rats,
Loosing out their skins to nakedness.
Our children’s palms,
Older than their minute age,
Is nature wicked?
Or our leaders are broken ladders?
…our children like this?

A Poor Belly | Pijush Kanti Deb - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

A Poor Belly | Pijush Kanti Deb

In a prize-giving ceremony
a belly is found astonished
standing on the stage
holding his given prize-
a piece of rope,
upset too
looking at other prize winners
as at least
fingers are blissful with pen and brush,
eyes and nose with a bunch of flowers,
ears are lost in hilarious clapping,
young heart dances
with a bag- full of likes and comments,
and old soul takes a nap
holding a running piece of peace
and prompted
to leave the stage
throwing a flying kiss and a muted query
to the audience,
“Why to fasten a poor belly
though it’s the only way to heart?”

Circumlocution | Kathy J. Anderson - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Circumlocution | Kathy J. Anderson

Ancestors Of old times
Time their visits to me,
In dreams and visions wake,
Awake me to the spirits I seek,
Seeking to renew life,
Living for tomorrow…

Tomorrow begins new
Newly wishing I’m free
Freely speaking my heart
Heartfully making songs
Sung inside this souls place
Placing it in life’s view…

Viewing the chaos realms
A realm where change blossoms
Blooming with new vigor
Vigorously starting,
The starts growing right up
Upward summer burgeons…

Burgeoning words blowing
Blown by winds directions
Directly unbind air
Airily circulates
To circumnavigate
Cirrus highs and fogs lows.

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