nature poems

-The Junction Can Not Scream Back to One's Own Need to Listen- - A Poem by Richard William Kirkpatrick-Thorne - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

-The Junction Can Not Scream Back to One’s Own Need to Listen- – A Poem by Richard William Kirkpatrick-Thorne

Cross The Name Off The List,
Off The Page And Off The Past,
Etchings InTo The Quiet Deep,
Let Sleep Not Be As A Route To Struggle,
As It Forgets ItSelf While I Strain To Remember,
To Recognize Familyar Eyes In The Mirror,
While There Is Change Behind The Flesh,
The Bone Underneath Stays The Same,
Holding This Up… Keeping This All From Falling APart,
Teeth Under Lips Near Tongue And…

My Voice Through My Throat,
A Traveler On A Bridge From Heart To Ear,
Then From The Heat InTo The Earth,
Forwards InTo The Winding Waters,
Thicker Than A Trickleing Dawn,
Erodeing The Foundations Of Dusk,
To Surround Its Origination WithIn Rhythmic Dissidence,
Borrowing NoThing And Knifeing At The Roots,
Dissolveing… InTo A Sense Of Humor… Killing Interference…

Birthing Coherence When The Signal Stabs Back,
Static Fadeing With Its Laws,
Now To Mend When It All Crawls Out From The Shade,

At The Junction,
Crossed At Its Roads,
Am I My Voice As It Travels…

Or… Is It Being Me In Silence?

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Painters and Paintings - A Poem by P.K. Deb - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Painters and Paintings – A Poem by P.K. Deb

The paintings are to be kissed or spited,
used in embellishing the drawing room
or thrown in dustbin to injure the environment.
A sensitive painter is careful
in centralizing all of his
skills, experiences and virtues
on the top of his brush
and skillful to compel the clean canvas
to conceive a painting–
beautiful and useful too,
with each and every passionate touch of his brush on it.
Blood turns into hot sweat,
sheds on the stainless canvas
and a magnificent painting is born,
compelling claps, kisses, rewards and awards
to be generous to drop on it
from the blissful eyes and the perceived hearts.
Maybe, a bunch of blessings are also bestowed
By blissful and watchful aerial eyes
and a course of curses are booked
for those careless painters
who give their paintings just the beginning,
leaving the finishing to money and machine,
produce some so-called paintings–
lacking color and scent of humanity,
dump them in the slums of garbage
and pollute the cleanliness of the environment
where the stainless paintings are still gathering the blossoms
thrown gratefully by the blissful eyes and the peaceful hearts.

Shadow Play - A Poem by Shelley Nutting - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Shadow Play – A Poem by Shelley Nutting

We have gathered
on the hillside
this Autumn eve,
enjoying the brisk
air that lifts
our spirits,
like kites
soaring and spiralling
in the dying light.

The waning Sun
has carved our
into stick men.
Shadow puppets
an impromptu drama
even as we turn
to leave…
we remain


in the artist’s eye
by lens
and whirring shutter.

Immortal image
of shadow
and golden light

Calico 1303 oceloT - A Poem by Richard William Kirkpatrick-Thorne - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Calico 1303 oceloT – A Poem by Richard William Kirkpatrick-Thorne

UpOn That Rocky Crag,
On High With The Founding Ghosts Of Marshes… Once To Be As Kings,
With Questions Travelling Across The Dire Breaking,
Where No Copper Could Be Thrown Up To Cover,
At Times To Eclipse And Quicken,
The RestLess Paramount AFlame… Then To Be As Rover…

Treading CoastLines And Then To LaundryLines,
Semaphore Sophomore Surf…

Waves From The TollBooths,
Loose Like MilkTeeth…

For Crickets To Be Ruled By Cicadas,
Examined As Patients… Willing To Escape,
From Triangles And Bermuda Shorts,
SmokeStacks And Coal-Chambers…

The Ocean Blue,
Under Bridges And Spreading As Bed-Sheets…

Spooling Its Thread Around Fossils Of Expectations Held Great,
Passed On By As Faces Change…

Those Whose Faces Change…

Those Faces Have Changed.

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Mankind - A Poem by P.K. Deb - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Mankind – A Poem by P.K. Deb

Let’s have a travel
Up to that level
Where from knowledge turns behind.
Quite keen to quest,
Try up to the best,
Nowhere they are available to find.
Possessors of big brain,
Still suffer from sprain
On the way of reachable destiny.
The lanes of pain and gain
Are known to them, but often
They knock the doors of agony.
The apologue is memorised
And the lessons are exercised,
Grow up with teacher and guide.
Still foolish they are,
Unmindful and unaware
Of the opportunity with which they collide.
Greed for more repulses them
To the hell of the ever increasing jam
Of the creatures of ruinous nature.
Thus they become aberrant,
Mingle with vices in constant
And befoul and blight their future.
Luminous is their habitat
And minds are illuminated,
Still to darken they never mind.
They have earned a lot
Of the great virtues at cost,
Although unkind yet they are mankind.

Filling Up of Heart - A Poem by P.K. Deb - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Filling Up of Heart – A Poem by P.K. Deb

The filling was begun by the ancestors
But couldn’t, so couldn’t bloom
A smile, full of colours and fragrance
And at last they got lost un-smiled.

The pages of history get added and added,
Civilization is lifted up and up,
Ashes are turned into gold
With the magical touch of knowledge
And reason becomes the master-key
To mind and brain to open and receive.

Nevertheless, the filling is on and unabated
To fill up the hungry heart-the black hole.
May God explain its elasticity
As inexplicable by any law ever-propounded
And fill up its emptiness as an impossibility
To mankind by anything ever-produced.

Rather it welcomes innovations–
The triumph of modern civilization
Or, the ravings of mad science
And pours more fuel unconsciously
On non-extinguishable fire of greed
To digest the previous stocks of heart
And to gut off the efforts undertaken to fill it up.

Maybe, blissful we are and hopeful too
For more hunger of heart,
More to innovate and more to suffer.

We are framed, indeed, by nature
And all are volunteers in filling of hearts up.
Who dares to break the frame
And prove to be different to assume himself
As the possessor of a houseful heart?

This is merely an assumption
But an effective consolation of heart too
To inject comfort and peace into the heart
And enable us to bloom the last smile
With entire satisfaction when we will depart.

Raindrops - A Poem by Roy Pullam - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Raindrops – A Poem by Roy Pullam

I do not understand
A raindrop
Its chemistry so precise
Though unique
Yet it has the conformity
Of millions
Kindred element combinations
What coaxes it
From the clouds
The subject of prayers
Both before and after
First reluctant
Then with a rush
Becoming a flood
I can’t fathom
How it can help
So much
Then turn in rage
Carrying hopes and ambitions
It is the nature
Of water
To be
A blessing and a bane
To defy both
My beseeching
And my curse

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