ordinariness poems

Following | Sylvia Thompson - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Following | Sylvia Thompson

I’m not part of this.
I’ll be leaving now.
I don’t understand
How none of you
See what’s going on.
A herd following
Whoever they think
They should be,
Experts non experts.
Stop, now.
It doesn’t have to be this way
There are so many
Other beautiful
Things to be done
Instead of being
Ordinary and

Paper Bag | Igor Goldkind - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Paper Bag | Igor Goldkind

I am a paper bag, I am.
I’m not the smart one,
I’m not the successful one
I’m not the tall one who always won and
Then died.
I am a paper bag.
I’m only as good as what I can carry.

I am a paper bag,
I’m not plastic, not I.
I am paper: rough, brown and thin
I’m not waterproof, you know.
And I can’t hold any liquids or gases within.
I only have room for the stuff that matters.
I’m a paper bag.
I’m only as good as what I can carry.

I am a paper bag.
Wrinkled and used and often abused
Thrown on the floor.
Buried deep inside your drawers.
I am a paper bag.
That sometimes falls apart
I’m only as good as what I can carry.

More at http://igorgoldkind.wordpress.com/.

Age of Romanticism | Kenneth Vincent Walker - Contemporary Poetry Website Featuring Notable Poems

Age of Romanticism | Kenneth Vincent Walker

From our very youth
We are institutionalized,
Subjected to regiment,
And creatively we die.

We are placed in a mold
And injected to form
That which is pliable,
The expected norm.

We grow up predictable
And devoid of individuality,
For we’re shunned if we
Display it, and that in reality

Is the paramount tragedy.

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