poems about love

Existential Questions | Anca Mihaela Bruma - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Existential Questions | Anca Mihaela Bruma

What is left
of a soul that slowly
is flickering on the remnants
of its mind and heart?
How do I restore
my own Fire
when everything is falling,
yet growing?
How would I change
the rhythm of my Life
pressed against my own ear?
How can I be held responsible
for the consequences
when everything
is out of sequence?
How would I freeze
that moment
which is irreplaceable
and insatiable?
How would I remove
the sleepless nights
and unspent memories
from the edges of my Being?
How can I cure someone
who falls under the weight of My Heart
so myself, I will not remain unsung?
How many testaments of regrets
shall I write
to someone who has fallen
from the grace of my eyes?
How would I
not let the cadence of my heart
to be taken for granted?
Each bite and sniff of my Life
reminds me of this fragmented World
and its hypnotic deception.

More at https://soundcloud.com/ankh-micah-ilah/existential-questions-written-and-recited-by-anca-mihaela-bruma-music-johnny-alici.

Picture Frames | Ananya S. Guha - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Picture Frames | Ananya S. Guha

It wasn’t a surprise
your decadence, we have only time to forget, and those bottled up
So when you left I had only
picture frames, to stare at, and the spider on the wall. So come back
with your mangy coat of love.

Completing the Revolution | Scott Thomas Outlar - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Completing the Revolution | Scott Thomas Outlar

A kiss…lightly upon the lips
A caress…gently upon the skin
A shutter…tearing through the heart
A smile…spreading over the earth
A laugh…lighting up a room
A whisper…sweetly creating a moment
A song…bursting forth from the darkness
A beat…falling perfectly into rhythm
A dance…gliding across the floor
A wave…rising with the tide
A shine…pulsing from the heavens
A star…tossing down its fate
A cycle…turning in rotation
A love…being birthed anew

More at http://17numa.wordpress.com/.

A Love Like Ours | Emily Fenn - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

A Love Like Ours | Emily Fenn

A love so pure
And genuine.
We finish each other’s sentences,
Think the same things,
Laugh happily.
An effortless joy comes
Upon us when we’re together.
I love being in your arms and
Hearing your soft voice
Comforting me,
Filling me with hope.
A love like ours only
Comes around once
In a lifetime,

A Love Story | May Scriven - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

A Love Story | May Scriven

There was a time
When we didn’t
Know each other,
When we had
No idea the other

There was a time
We didn’t know each
Other’s faces
Or names,
Or dreams.

Then, we both happened
To take the same class,
At the same time,
In the same place,
Two people brought together
By destiny.

The rest is history,
I’m so grateful to have you
In my life,
A companion,
A confidante,
A love story.

Hunger in the Night | Deeya Bhattacharya - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Hunger in the Night | Deeya Bhattacharya

The night in our garden
is intense but fragile
the misty moon atop the dew
ceaselessly flowing into each other
The night in our garden
is full of longing
sucking up the vortex of thoughts
flowing like a river
The river in our garden
is full of silky fragrance
severed like cubes of ice
perched on our hunger
The hunger of the wind
on moss, ferns and potted plants
the hunger
in tales of lost love
On hungry nights like these
in our lit-up porches
we cook consciousness
which binds our thoughts
to skin and sylvan pitfalls.

She Will Not Wash Away | Michael Kagan - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

She Will Not Wash Away | Michael Kagan

Walking alone,
The wet sand apron
Follows the ocean,
Standing before a footprint,
She would not wash away.
I watched as other shells
And little stone imprints
Gave way to relentless waves,
I’m coming and going
But she won’t wash away.
With trepidation
I set my foot within the footprint
Becoming a pillar of sand
Without illusion
Of flesh without need or desire
And the waves could not budge the entrenched truth
of this footprint
Unscathed by erosion,
She did not wash away.
As night fell in high tide still unbroken,
Will it swallow me
Fill my lungs
Stop my breath because
I dared to love.

Forever Young | Walid Abdallah - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Forever Young | Walid Abdallah

My heart is forever young
A divine hymn to be sung
I love everyone and always forgive
As twice as I take, I always give
I try to be nice as possible as I can
Of peace and love I am a great fan
Life is short to waste in hate
Let tolerance be our only fate
Love people and nature around
Only the base of justice we must found
Leave good mark on each heart you meet
Let your nice memory your main good feat
Whenever you go spread love and affection
Be much nicer than people’s prediction
Treat everyone equally be always fair
Show everyone your respect and care
Being respectful is something you never regret
You will be rewarded more than you expect
We are on earth to make it a paradise
Listen to me and follow my advice
Dream big and complain less
Sadness never lasts and neither does happiness
Think positively and always be optimistic
You can’t change your fate by being pessimistic
Let live, love and learn your goal
Carve them deep in your soul
The heart that doesn’t know envy lives longer
It has better destiny and grows stronger
My heart is forever young
A divine hymn to be sung

More at https://hellopoetry.com/walid-abdallah/.

Best Friend | Elysia Quidsten - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Best Friend | Elysia Quidsten

Her eyes
They smile
Her lips
They move like a butterfly
Her kindness
Is impossible to explain
Her heart
Is wider then the world
She’s my best friend
And I’ll never ever let her go

Untitled | Matthew Abuelo - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Untitled | Matthew Abuelo

Oh September
I found your brutal heart
With its endless winds of an early winter.
Oh how I hate you
From that September of the fateful year of 2009
To all the Septembers until you and I meet once again Merry
In an otherwise empty and indifferent room
Where there are no score keepers
With their crooked fingers and ever present image
Which as the tombs for everyone not crooked themselves.
If you can own a judge in housing court
For the right price
Or the right position
Then why can’t you own the score keepers as well?
Are our worn souls
Those of us faithful losers
Really worth so much that they can’t be forgotten?
Oh Merry maybe I just should be angry with you
Leaving no letter behind
Or an explanation of why all your tomorrows have been recalled.
Didn’t you know we could have danced
Like children in all our ruins.
Was it just another job?
Then how could it have been so brutal?

More at http://joerussia3.wix.com/thenewsfactory.

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