working together poems

No Island of Escape | G. Louis Heath - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

No Island of Escape | G. Louis Heath

There is no island on the rivers, nor in
The lakes or seas, or in abstruse clouds

To escape the plagues of humankind.
All bear the black dog on their backs

As shadow nibbles mountain, plain, and
Valley to our doors. Yes, the megrims

Bite deep but we must carry on against
The plagues that beset us. The way is

Hard, strewn with mighty windfalls and
Boulders, on a high, torturous route, each

Step precarious. We hunger for the meadow,
Open to all. There we can enfold one unto

Another, build bridges of spirit and act, to
Deny the evil days of barbarous annihilation.

Clinched | Langley Shazor - Read Poetry Online by Talented Contemporary Poets

Clinched | Langley Shazor

While we wait
Helplessly beckoning
The change brought about
By the hands of someone else
We consistently overlook
The measure of change
Within our grasps
Hands outstretched
Imploring the dissolution of conditions
For which we have set the stage
We could simply pull the curtain
Exit stage left
And no longer patronize this establishment
But that would require effort
The subject of a bygone era
An institution
Whose doors seem to be bolted shut
They can be forced open
If we would but put all our hands in
There would be no need to look for hand outs

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