The Puzzle Called 'Life' | Soulfulscribble - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

The Puzzle Called 'Life' | Soulfulscribble

Captured by the claws of death, some relief will do
Comforted by calls from pain, I’d rather stick with doom
This makes it safe to call life a conundrum, in itself a paradox
An absurdity, a million illogical contradictions all in a box
Impossible to comprehend, all humans in a perpetual quandary
So it seems every road is only a boundary
Impossibilities thrive here for non-starters
Life to them exists basically as a couple of cul-de-sacs
Limits, bounds, nothing beyond the peripheries
Reluctant to try anything, put off by the darkness of the berries
Some others are unrealistically optimistic, unable to entertain botches
Driven everyday by the rush of time, by the ticking of their watches
Endless opportunities and abilities, a word without hitch or glitch
Eager to take on the world, in all knowledge vastly rich
Yet other people are driven by thoughts of good and evil
Their ideas mostly hit me as anything but civil
Superstitious, full of fantasies, believers of all things numinous
Surprisingly hopeful in a world which is anything but luminous
None of these is true or ideal
Yet all these are perfectly real
Living without a belief is quite dangerous
Yet to combine all these is to give rise to chaos
In this evaluation there is only one lesson, life comes up again with its trick
May all fellows in this dilemma kindly permit me to say the universe is truly sick.

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