Then just call me
if you feel I’ll be of help
or go your way and
face the world the best
that you think you can
unaided by the world
as you’ve now come to see
the time you tell your woes
to others to get friends to set odds
right for you, the same very moment
your own already gathered strength
shall leave you and to the depths of
same debilitating fear and weakness
you’ll find yourself being hurled into with
the listeners around you merrily cutting
jokes that you thought they in your need
would help you unknowing of their nature.
I don’t say you withdraw
I only say you fight
keeping the fighter’s spirit on
knowing your own battle you
have all alone to fight
no matter if people around
are to your worst discomfort
sucking out from you your
splendid zeal to settle your eyes
on the goal ahead
and waver not till you’ve achieved
the goal in an endless winning game.