Blanket | John Baverstock - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Blanket | John Baverstock

The boy was surrounded by the gang,
One looked straight into his eyes,
Then asked are you frightened man?
The boy who was black,
His eyes had fear written all over them,
Though he was never going to say yes to the question,
He had been subject to name calling and being bullied,
Throughout his short life,
Once being threatened by the gang wielding a knife,
Fear was relatively all he had ever known,
This because of his skin colour and its tone,
An onlooker rushed over and came to the boy’s aid,
The gang backed off, they could tell he was afraid,
What’s up with you lot? the onlooker said,
What has this boy done to you?
Why are you surrounding him?
You should be ashamed of yourselves,
Persecuting someone because of their colour of their skin,
Inside we are all the same,
We all have hearts, we all have lungs,
We breathe the same,
That is because we are the same,
You need to understand your shame,
Our skin is merely a blanket,
That is wrapped around our frame,
Inside we are the same…
That is because we are the same…

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