When a Debutante Marries a Troll | Donal Mahoney - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

When a Debutante Marries a Troll | Donal Mahoney

The problem is, Priscilla grew up
in a penthouse having parties while
Biff came of age under a bridge
fighting other trolls, he remembers.
When Pris calls his office and says
we’re having guests tonight
the chasm in their marriage grows.
The guests go home sauced and smiling
but the chasm stays behind, snarling.
Biff can’t make the leap to kiss Pris
and some day have 10 kids.
The next time she invites guests
he wants to be told at dawn.
Biff plans to skip feeding the pit bulls
and introduce them to her guests.

More at http://booksonblog12.blogspot.com/.

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