Ode to J’pura - A Poem by Anuradha Fonseka - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Ode to J’pura – A Poem by Anuradha Fonseka

Your dreams will be realized
Though not exactly the same way you wished
Be happy child…! Love what you’ve got
Be grateful to “Him” for what you’ve got

Though not grand, what I got was precious
The dear place let me love it
The giant trees, lawns and flower beds
Soon made me feel home; where I belong

The flowery tops of giant trees
The smiling faces beneath them
And the memories made beneath them
Rejoice my heart to its core

J’pura is the place which taught me
To learn lessons from my own life
A place which taught me to learn myself
And the purpose of my life

A place which taught me not to judge,
Not to trust, but to be compassionate
A place which taught me to smile through
The pain and with he who caused it

Hail J’pura….! Vive le J’pura
Give the love you gave me to
Every soul which yearns for happiness
Through a half realized dream

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