Freak Out - A Poem by Scott Thomas Outlar - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Freak Out – A Poem by Scott Thomas Outlar

A poet
who says no to a thought
or denies an impulse
to start
pouring forth,
is not a poet at all,
but a fool
and a coward.

A poet
that censors the psyche
or strangles the soul’s
to release,
is not a poet, but
a bureaucrat
and a gum in the works.

A poet
that ignores intuition
or stops at a crescendo,
is not a poet, but
a killer of music
and murderer of art.

A poet
that loses the rhythm
or screws up the template
just on the verge
of hitting the high note,
is not a poet, but
a masochist
and a sadist
and a freak
and a future aborted.

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