Davie St. Beggerman - A Poem by Angel Edwards - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Davie St. Beggerman – A Poem by Angel Edwards

Beggar man sleeps like an
exhausted child
In the doorway of a bar called Heavens Door
The neighborhood people feed him once in a while
He looks a little like Jesus with his reddish beard
Tries to be brave and he will smile
“I’m alright ” he will say if you ask how he is
Sometimes he argues with invisible beings
or maybe its himself
He never changes his clothes
he owns nothing but his rags and a bucket
He turns the bucket upside down
In the daytime perched on the corner
Silently begging
Coins drop at his feet
He will gather them later
when he sees them

More at http://www.reverbnation.com/angeledwards.

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