Her Penny Farthing Daydreams - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Her Penny Farthing Daydreams – A Poem by Paul Tristram

Happily rolled her further away
from the melancholy prison,
she had naively vowed herself into,
each hideaway moment of the day.
The Summer breeze
kissing gently her bare knees.
Hair unclasped for a change
and attacking the sky in all directions
like streaks of auburn lightning.
Traversing the country lanes of her mind,
imagination dotting the horizon
with newly discovered flowers.
At the rainbow bend,
she smiles and winks at the wishing well.
Then whistling as carefree as a gentleman,
she splashes the sun shower puddles
one at a time just like she’s witnessed
the schoolboys around the Common do.

More at http://paultristram.blogspot.co.uk/.

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