Though There’s a Thundercloud above My Head, My Fantastic Heart Still Is Full of Magic - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Though There’s a Thundercloud above My Head, My Fantastic Heart Still Is Full of Magic – A Poem by Paul Tristram

With Mercury in my left hand
and Neptune in my right
I’m punching holes in those
ordinary, mundane walls around me.
Filling the gaps up with colourful,
creative light and shining twice
as bright as a freshly-birthed phoenix.
Cautions and warning signs
are traps to my free-falling soul,
I pay no heed as I excite faster.
The only thing that can stop me is me
and I’m far too busy
patting myself energetically
upon the brilliant back today.
There’s not enough time left
and far too many things to be done
but I’m all over it like a rash.
There’s magic miracles
and artistic mayhem
2 of cups-ing
and pulling
the tarot’s fool card together.
The glorious pathways
and golden opportunities are endless.

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