In the big box store
Waiting on line to make a return
Older woman ahead of me
Exasperated by confused cashier
She turns to me
With a twinkle in her eye
Smiles and shakes her head
Hoping for resolution
Knowing there’s a slim chance
of this going right
But instead of anger
She takes it all in stride
She smiles again looking my way
Her transaction complete
I complete my exchange
Then see her a bit up ahead
I say excuse me
Tell her that when she smiled at me
She had my Mom’s smile
and a lovely twinkle in her eyes
Just like my Mom had
She tells me I made her day
I tell her I lost my Mom a few years ago
But she brought her back with her smile
We talk and exchange family histories
Have a few laughs about life
She was touched by my compliment
I had a Mom again for a few minutes
Priceless exchange in the big box store
New York City
This is why we live here
People and connection
Moments in time…