Connection Redux - A Poem by G. S. Katz - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Connection Redux – A Poem by G. S. Katz

People ask me where the poems come from
I tell everyone the same thing
They just appear, a word, a fragment, a feeling
Then I always say, “I’ve got to write that,”
Hence a poem is born

We fall out of touch for a long time
It was many years ago when we knew the glory
Lovers can go away though for years
Only to reconnect again with the passion of self
That allows real friendship to evolve

I love drinking alcohol
Not wine, though I enjoy an occasional glass
Not beer, though with spicy food what could be better
I love spirits, this past year has been bourbon
I never get drunk, it’s about the burn and the glow

There are other things going on
I won’t go into details at the moment
Spring is around the corner
Morning light wakes me up early
Rebirth my old friend, extending my hand and heart

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