Brave Enough to Love Again - A Poem by Paul Tristram - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Brave Enough to Love Again – A Poem by Paul Tristram

‘Wow!’ Where did all of the oranges,
yellows and reds come from?
It’s been greys, blues and greens
for so long now…
I had forgotten that Spring actually exists.
Lopsided, tumbling, skyscraper piles
of ‘Saved for a Special Occasion’ clothes,
it just has to be as perfect as I can alchemize it.
‘First Impressions’ are exactly what the word
‘Everything’ was invented for.
Eight hours and thirty six minutes to go…
and I could simply scream… Again!
Derailed locomotive ‘Heartbeat’
‘Mind’ twirling cartwheels of giddiness
and if I entered my ‘Pulse’
into the Olympic Games
they would have to award me Platinum.
‘Tender yet Sophisticated’
she keeps mantra-ing to herself
as she runs a hot bubble bath
for the fourth time this very morning.
Singing gaily like Doris Day
on day release from the Looney Bin.
She dances theatrically with McArthur the cat
in between sighing and smiling
her dazzling way through the fantastic day.

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