Every Waking Thought - A Poem by Susan Marie - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

Every Waking Thought – A Poem by Susan Marie

every waking thought
is the flight of a monarch

before each bud that blooms
she gathers
from both hemispheres
left and right,
like her wings
birthed twins,

where every waking thought
– as a first breath
– and the last gasp

where dreams become life
in the dank cloak of midnight
gaining momentum
churning the vortexes
of hurricanes

such raw passion
never simple

a thought
is the genesis of energy
the beginning of understanding
a means to communicate
the subconscious of the artist,
writing words such as this
solely to prevent the skull
from bursting,

spewing bits of memories
and rivers of tears, endless
that never run dry

a place where angels reside
sitting upon clouds
of sentences

the most holy poets-
sending telegraphs

to the chosen.

More at http://susanmariepr.blogspot.com.

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