Divine Distribution - A Poem by P.K. Deb - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Divine Distribution – A Poem by P.K. Deb

I feel lucky enough to be posted here
with a mission to accomplish
along with other
by my Boss- a great soul,
in the name of whom
swearing proves its honesty.
Blissful I am to work for him,
hopeful for due remuneration
and watchful for a post-man–
bringing my earned money
sent by my great Boss.
On the wheels of time
days, months, and years–
the running vehicles,
carrying the post-man,
stop near my hut
but no post-man is available
to knock my closed door
and no kind hand is extended
to fill my emptiness up.
Report blames the mighty and the shrewd–
claiming the money by force,
pillaging the post-man mercilessly,
creating the problem of haves and have nots
and compelling the almighty Boss
to think about the adoption of
an alternative system of divine distribution.

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