Homecoming | Monalisa Dash Dwibedy - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Homecoming | Monalisa Dash Dwibedy

I many times thought peace was near,
when it was far away,
As a weary traveler deems to sight an oasis,
in the middle of a desert,
A lost voyager, ponders how many fictitious shores to go before finding a harbour.

Where was peace, all the while?
Roaming in wilderness or waiting for my homecoming,
In my high rise condominium,
Handmade miniature kitchen garden,
Or at my top-notch banking workplace?

As hopeless as I was, I even thought of buying it,
At Eaton Shopping Centre, in a spicy slice of time,
But Peace was sold out, invariably.

Until one day, I found it within myself.
Sleeping like a baby.

Awakened, sleepy smiling eyes recognized me.
Ah! Finally the moment had come,
I cuddled peace, and never let it go.

Now we both are home,

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