O Flowers | Adnan Shafi - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

O Flowers | Adnan Shafi

O lovely flowers! incessant redolence! with what colorful aroma and sweetness and light of eminence my brio loves scattering the seeds of prestige!

All the hours of the day
I spend in the garden of flowers,
Consoling my all lethargy,
Endowing me spirits of euphoria
Oh, how it solaces and spirits my body! Hark! in what music and rhyming,

Awakes my soul,
Rises the whiff of beds of roses,
Bees, butterflies, all things
Adore them in their kinds
Thus all are innate in sanctified music and tranquility, the great knell of nature.

O let me live
When I die!
The soul surceased
by an hour, like not seeing a shooting star
Oh my heart aches
Deep inside me,
I, inhumed in a hole dug
in the ground,
As yet with a deep aroma of flowers,
In my life beyond the grave.

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