My Facebook Addiction | Rick McDonnell - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

My Facebook Addiction | Rick McDonnell

My addiction has become so strong that I
Don’t know where I belong
I see her on Facebook everyday, I want to
Message her but don’t know what to say
Suddenly my hearts begins to pound
Knowing I’ll never hear her sound
Does she have someone else, or does she
Share the way I felt, I almost feel her
Breathing deeply down my neck, my
Addiction for her has made me sick
Like the feeling of heroin flowing in my
Blood, I feel like I’m sinking in the mud
I imagine the smell, of her scent, drives me
Crazy till the smell has gone and went
She is like massive drug, the more I see her
Each day it becomes never enough
Never knowing where this journey will
Take me, these ways will I ever break free
But what I tell you I’ve found to be true,
Facebook addiction is in every post you do
This is why I must defeat these curves, so
She can be with the man that she deserves
Now I must block her as my friend, so this
Misery addiction can come to an end
I must now tell others what I know so
They don’t fall into Facebook addiction

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