What Else for Now | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

What Else for Now | Krushna Chandra Mishra

Much has been happening these days .
The world around me is changing very fast.
I find my own universe lies threatened with new possibilities.

I wait and watch and enjoy how erasure is a pleasing thing.
I like only to cling to my past for the ring of security is still there.
I see the ring as I hear how everybody near and dear comforts me.

Today my world has expanded far and wide leaving me expecting much.
The ring of my past heard in my silent hours brings the clamour of demands alive.
I see everybody around- father, mother, brothers and sisters with many more- consoling me.

Am I desperate today ? Am I very sure my world of explanations is growing unchanged
Despite wind of change sweeping every floor of expectations and dreams at a magician’s speed?
There is an answer still- all is so wrought already well , there can hardly be any ill!

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