A Storm | Silent - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

A Storm | Silent

Restless, eager, loving
The intensity of your desire consumed me
Curious, shy and yearning
The feelings grew despite the sorrow
Have you ever met a soul with so much anger and so much love?
Did you ever want, so badly, to kiss so roughly it became a bite?
Like waves our feelings, a sea of sensations
Reality was much stronger than our dreams
Unfilled, pressing, smitten
The intensity of my desire consumed you
Anxious, mad and sober
The feelings grew despite the romance
Have you ever met two souls with so much anger and so much love?
A storm,
From the beginning to the end,
We were a storm

More at http://loudlysilent.blogspot.com.es/2015/02/a-storm.html.

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