These Days | Dinka Bednjacic - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

These Days | Dinka Bednjacic

These days I walk
at an easy pace
In cold autumn months
I choose sheltered streets
where wind is more merciful
to my face

Climbing up steep terrain
tires my heart,
each breath gasps for the next

I no longer try to be
a marathon runner
In the end of it all
time catches up- anyway

Today I bade farewell again
to another season
Watch last oak leaves
falling onto a cold ground

Take the time to listen
to my own footsteps
Sometimes, I think of us
in idyllic northern summer
lazing by the winding river
Gazing over water ripples
stealing our reflections
Riding horses through
corn fields- unfazed of
what is behind our sphere
Little we knew then how
in the future
we had to carry the world
on our shoulders,
loaded with consequences
of our actions
Decisions made in haste
not knowing how in life
everything has its price

These days I walk with care
I don’t want inflict pain
on anyone- on anything
I hope you too think of the time
where we stepped into adulthood
and on this crossroad of life,
we lost each other- forever

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