Censored | Scott Thomas Outlar - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Censored | Scott Thomas Outlar

My truth is silent
yet it burns with an unquenchable flame
My love aches to be let loose
yet I hold it at bay
My karma is violent
yet I walk a meager path
My soul bleeds with chaos
yet I smile and play pretend
My voice is lost to the wind
yet I scream all through the storm
My song is laced with thorns
yet I tend to each rose with care
My sex is all but exhausted
yet I save it for a sweet resurrection
My days are counted and numbered
yet I keep a distance from the yawning grave
My laughter is wild and unbridled
yet I reserve it for special occasions
My pain is strange and existential
yet I know it is the same as all the rest
My eyes are open and seeking
yet I remain blind to the inherent light
My words are all I have left
yet I muzzle them for fear of crossing the line

More at http://17numa.wordpress.com/.

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