A Good Work | JD DeHart - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

A Good Work | JD DeHart

May the programs serve
their purpose, and may
we have favor in them.

May the agenda be flouted
along with unfair
manipulative expectation.

I want to do a good work
not for my sake or so my
name can be cited, honored,
and celebrated, but for
the sake of the lives I touch.

If that is against norms,
plays with conventional
structure, or even rings as

So be it.

I want to listen to the voice
and not the slogan, embrace
the person and not political

Move forward and do good
work without the worm of worry
called Getting Ahead.

I can’t be concerned with
changing the world if I don’t
even seize the opportunity
to be kind to the person
sitting right next to me.

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