Memory and Meaning | G. Louis Heath - Dive into the Depths of Contemporary Voices

Memory and Meaning | G. Louis Heath

Who wants to be remembered? Many do, of course.
We cut slabs of granite, erect megaliths over their

Last remains to beckon the living to memory. Or
They endow a scholarship in their name, hoping the

Youngster will carry forth their glory. Remember
Me is a mantra of mankind. No one seeks to live

For naught. The millions who died in war, civilians
And soldiers, many remains unfound, suffered the

Ultimate sacrifice. They all want a niche in memory.
Yet, without identifiable remains, where do we erect

A stone and who will pay for an eponymous scholarship
Or maybe a mnemonic building on a campus? Who will

Make the sacrifice in even small measure to remember
And hallow their demise? Perhaps they need not so much

Memory as meaning. We can realize that for them in a
Massive campaign for peace. We owe their memory that.

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