In a Beaming Embrace | Krushna Chandra Mishra - Appreciate Language and Form through the Best Contemporary Poetry

In a Beaming Embrace | Krushna Chandra Mishra

Never once before was here
such magic scene enacted,
with big fighters swearing
at each other and with
daggers and dangerous
tricks of crookedness
held for the whole time,
that day when people
whom they thought they
knew found it odd to tell
if they could in cool head
talk of the problems they
guessed to emanate from
the other’s corner, and in
great courage advance each
by such steps as would let
onlookers wonder if armed
they could have remained,
safe from each other’s odd
and unpredicted ways till,
without any visible fear,
they were found lost in
each other’s arms in a
bold and beaming embrace.

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