Here’s the skinny on Fatty’s Cafe,
a grubby diner on a snaky street
under the El in dark Chicago
where street lights flicker
and the hungry descend from
the flophouse above the store.
If you have a yen for a BLT
and Fatty is workin’ the grill,
the hungry say don’t go in,
be patient and wait outside
for Fatty’s brother, Skinny,
to wield the spatula.
Skinny has a way with BLTs,
piling bacon and tomato high
on a triple decker, with a hint
of lettuce and a swipe of mayo
on all three slices of bread.
No extra charge to toast it
when Skinny’s workin’ the grill.
Ignore the rain, sleet or snow
and wait outside with the hungry
till Skinny starts flippin’ the bacon.
He takes over at midnight when
Fatty flops into his Lincoln
and heads for his castle.
Then Skinny lays out the bacon
and the hungry outside march in.
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