In the skin of scripture,
does it matter if they share
a different pigment?
In the face of the One
True Command, does it matter
if they read another creed?
If we truly love, are called to love,
does it matter what their lifestyle
or persuasion may be?
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Thanks, Donal, I enjoy your work as well. The wisest man I ever heard speak on this subject said that our one call is to love others. He’s the person I was thinking about when I wrote this poem. I think, regardless of creed, that’s the call. To love others as you love yourself. Personally, I find it more difficult to love difficult people than those who have different skin, religion, or lifestyle. It’s a hefty call and I’m not always great at it, especially when it comes to the rude and selfish. Guess we are all works in progress, including me.
Thanks again for the comment,
You knocked it on the noggin, JD. We’re born to love everyone, whoever or whatever they may be. For example, some even love secular humanists. But sometimes the behavior of some is subject to condemnation according to the book we both accept and do out best to follow, i.e., Sodom and Gomorrah. If I make it to heaven, this is the only question I will have: Why no approved outlet for those with that attraction. It stymies me. But we buy the book, not just the chapters or paragraphs we like. Keep typing. Always enjoy your work.